

  1. 填妥網上報名表格
  2. 收到選拔確認訊息
  3. 檢查選拔名單並記住選拔編號
  4. 帶同現金報名費出席選拔
  5. 大會於選拔後即場公佈入選名單,入選者需立即繳交費用並領取球衣,否則當棄權論,該名額將由後補名單補上。
  • 有系統的衡常籃球訓練
  • 高強度的訓練環境
  • 培養紀律性和責任感
  • 學習以團隊配合為優先的團隊籃球
  • 參與高水平的籃球賽事(球會邀請賽及全港性公開賽事)
  • 為未來的職業籃球生涯做好準備


By default, this panel is concealed and appears when the user clicks on the section title. Input relevant information about its title using paragraphs or bullet points. Accordions can enhance the user experience when utilized effectively. They allow users to choose what they want to read and disregard the rest. Accordions are often utilized for frequently asked questions (FAQs).


  1. 1月至4月
  2. 4月至6月
  3. 7月至8月
  4. 9月至12月





Type a brief and clear title for this panel.

Write a short descriptive paragraph about your tab that will help users find what they are looking for and get access to content without further exploration.

Call To Action

Type a brief and clear title for this panel.

Write a short descriptive paragraph about your tab that will help users find what they are looking for and get access to content without further exploration.

Call To Action